Water Temperature of the North Fork Bull Run River in Corbett, OR
Current Water Temperature
Measurement Time: Friday, December 20, 2024, 7:45 PM PST
Temperature Locations
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Local Points of Interest
Bull Run Watershed Mangement Unit; Bull Run ResevoirSponsored Content
North Fork Bull Run River
Data Source: Water Data - usgc.gov
Elevation Above Sea Level: 1,102 feet / 336 meters
Nearest Address:
Zigzag Ranger Station
Corbett, OR 97019
Multnomah County
GPS Coordinates: 45.4942856, -122.0359167
Nearby Water Temperatures
Fir Creek, Brightwood, OR (1.1 mi)Bull Run River, Corbett, OR (1.2 mi)
South Fork Bull Run River, Marmot, OR (5.0 mi)
Columbia River, Dodson, OR (7.9 mi)
Bull Run River, Brightwood, OR (8.4 mi)
Little Sandy River, Sandy, OR (8.5 mi)
Bull Run River, Aims, OR (8.9 mi)
Eagle Creek, Bonneville, OR (11.3 mi)
Johnson Creek, Gresham, OR (18.7 mi)
Clackamas River, Estacada, OR (20.5 mi)
Kelley Creek, Portland, OR (22.4 mi)
Johnson Creek, Portland, OR (22.9 mi)
Clackamas River, Estacada, OR (23.4 mi)
Fish Creek, Three Lynx, OR (24.6 mi)
Clackamas River, Three Lynx, OR (25.6 mi)
Weather for Corbett, Oregon
Current Weather
Conditions: Overcast
Humidity: 96%
Feels Like: 13.8°F
Wind: ENE 9.2 mph
Wind Gusts: 19.3 mph
Humidity: 96%
Feels Like: 13.8°F
Wind: ENE 9.2 mph
Wind Gusts: 19.3 mph
Pressure: 29.89 in
Precipitation: 0 in
Cloud Cover: 100%
Visibility: 6 mi
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 in
Cloud Cover: 100%
Visibility: 6 mi
UV Index: 0
Five Day Weather Forecast
H: 48°F
L: 25°F
H: 47°F
L: 39°F
H: 46°F
L: 39°F
H: 43°F
L: 29°F
H: 44°F
L: 29°F
Air Quality
1 - Good
10.18 μg/m3
10.36 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 364.45 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 15.54 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.93 μg/m3
Ozone: 34 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 15.54 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.93 μg/m3
Ozone: 34 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:45 AM
Sun Transit: 12:06 AM
Sunset: 4:28 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:06 AM
Sunset: 4:28 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 11:31 PM
Moon Transit: 5:13 AM
Moonset: 11:46 AM
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 58.9%
Moon Transit: 5:13 AM
Moonset: 11:46 AM
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 58.9%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
4:43 AM - 7:13 AM12:39 AM - 3:09 PM
Minor Periods
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM11:16 AM - 12:46 AM
Action Rating: 2 out of 5
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Weather Forecast
Conditions: Moderate rain
Average Temperature: 36.7°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Average Temperature: 36.7°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Chance of Rain: 89%
Wind: 9.2 mph
UV Index: 0
Wind: 9.2 mph
UV Index: 0
Air Quality
1 - Good
13.46 μg/m3
13.96 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 387.83 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 12.02 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.86 μg/m3
Ozone: 43.32 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 12.02 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.86 μg/m3
Ozone: 43.32 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:45 AM
Sun Transit: 12:06 AM
Sunset: 4:28 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:06 AM
Sunset: 4:28 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 11:31 PM
Moon Transit: 5:13 AM
Moonset: 11:46 AM
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 58.9%
Moon Transit: 5:13 AM
Moonset: 11:46 AM
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 58.9%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
4:43 AM - 7:13 AM12:39 AM - 3:09 PM
Minor Periods
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM11:16 AM - 12:46 AM
Action Rating: 2 out of 5
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Weather Forecast
Conditions: Heavy rain
Average Temperature: 43.6°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Average Temperature: 43.6°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Chance of Rain: 86%
Wind: 5.8 mph
UV Index: 0.1
Wind: 5.8 mph
UV Index: 0.1
Air Quality
1 - Good
4.87 μg/m3
6.2 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 301.48 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 11.12 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.07 μg/m3
Ozone: 60.52 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 11.12 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.07 μg/m3
Ozone: 60.52 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:46 AM
Sun Transit: 12:07 AM
Sunset: 4:29 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:07 AM
Sunset: 4:29 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 12:31 AM
Moon Transit: 5:52 AM
Moonset: 12:02 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 47.6%
Moon Transit: 5:52 AM
Moonset: 12:02 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 47.6%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
5:22 AM - 7:52 AM1:19 PM - 3:49 PM
Minor Periods
11:32 AM - 1:02 PM12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
Monday, December 23, 2024
Weather Forecast
Conditions: Heavy rain
Average Temperature: 44.7°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Average Temperature: 44.7°F
Average Humidity: 96%
Chance of Rain: 88%
Wind: 9.6 mph
UV Index: 0.2
Wind: 9.6 mph
UV Index: 0.2
Air Quality
1 - Good
5.04 μg/m3
6.74 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 300.07 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 9.46 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.76 μg/m3
Ozone: 62.48 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 9.46 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 0.76 μg/m3
Ozone: 62.48 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:46 AM
Sun Transit: 12:07 AM
Sunset: 4:29 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:07 AM
Sunset: 4:29 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 12:36 AM
Moon Transit: 6:31 AM
Moonset: 12:17 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 36.5%
Moon Transit: 6:31 AM
Moonset: 12:17 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 36.5%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
6:01 AM - 8:31 AM1:57 PM - 4:27 PM
Minor Periods
11:47 AM - 1:17 PM12:06 AM - 1:36 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Weather Forecast
Conditions: Heavy rain
Average Temperature: 36.6°F
Average Humidity: 99%
Average Temperature: 36.6°F
Average Humidity: 99%
Chance of Rain: 72%
Wind: 7.6 mph
UV Index: 0
Wind: 7.6 mph
UV Index: 0
Air Quality
1 - Good
3.99 μg/m3
5.5 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 277.8 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 7.19 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.13 μg/m3
Ozone: 72.36 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 7.19 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.13 μg/m3
Ozone: 72.36 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:47 AM
Sun Transit: 12:08 AM
Sunset: 4:30 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:08 AM
Sunset: 4:30 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 1:39 AM
Moon Transit: 7:11 AM
Moonset: 12:33 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 26.0%
Moon Transit: 7:11 AM
Moonset: 12:33 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 26.0%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
6:41 AM - 9:11 AM2:37 PM - 5:07 PM
Minor Periods
12:03 AM - 1:33 PM1:09 AM - 2:39 AM
Action Rating: 2 out of 5
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Weather Forecast
Conditions: Moderate rain
Average Temperature: 36.6°F
Average Humidity: 97%
Average Temperature: 36.6°F
Average Humidity: 97%
Chance of Rain: 84%
Wind: 3.8 mph
UV Index: 0
Wind: 3.8 mph
UV Index: 0
Air Quality
1 - Good
6.02 μg/m3
7.91 μg/m3
Carbon Monoxide: 310.66 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 11.27 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.72 μg/m3
Ozone: 63.46 μg/m3
Nitrogen Dioxide: 11.27 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.72 μg/m3
Ozone: 63.46 μg/m3
Sunrise: 7:47 AM
Sun Transit: 12:08 AM
Sunset: 4:30 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Sun Transit: 12:08 AM
Sunset: 4:30 PM
Daylight: 8 hrs 43 mins
Moonrise: 2:44 AM
Moon Transit: 7:52 AM
Moonset: 12:51 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 16.7%
Moon Transit: 7:52 AM
Moonset: 12:51 AM
Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Moon Illumination: 16.7%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
7:22 AM - 9:52 AM3:19 PM - 5:49 PM
Minor Periods
12:21 AM - 1:51 PM2:14 AM - 3:44 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
The times presented here are based upon the solunar theory, which is the idea that the movements of
fish and other animals are affected by the location of the sun and moon. The major periods are
believed to be the times of the greatest animal activity and occur when the moon is directly
overhead or underfoot (lunar transits). The minor periods also see increased activity and
occur when the moon is rising or setting. The strongest activity occurs during full or new moons,
and the weakest during quarter or three quarter moons. This is indicated by the Action Rating.
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