Water Temperature of Valley Creek in Birmingham, AL
Current Water Temperature
Measurement Time: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 5:15 PM CDT
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Data Source: Water Data - usgc.gov
Elevation Above Sea Level: 561 feet / 171 meters
Nearest Address:
299 Center St N
Birmingham, AL 35204
Jefferson County
GPS Coordinates: 33.5057722, -86.8364556
Nearby Water Temperatures
Valley Creek, Birmingham, AL (2.2 mi)Village Creek, Birmingham, AL (2.6 mi)
Village Creek, Birmingham, AL (3.4 mi)
Shades Creek, Homewood, AL (4.2 mi)
Village Creek, Birmingham, AL (5.9 mi)
Fivemile Creek, Birmingham, AL (6.6 mi)
Shades Creek, Birmingham, AL (7.0 mi)
Cahaba River, Birmingham, AL (7.3 mi)
Village Creek, Birmingham, AL (8.4 mi)
Cahaba River, Hoover, AL (9.9 mi)
Cahaba Valley Creek, Indian Springs, AL (12.0 mi)
Little Cahaba River, Leeds, AL (15.9 mi)
Turkey Creek, Pinson, AL (16.3 mi)
Cahaba River, Trussville, AL (17.9 mi)
Mulberry Fork, Cordova, AL (25.9 mi)
Weather for Birmingham, Alabama
Current Weather

Humidity: 59%
Feels Like: 50.8°F
Wind: SSW 4.5 mph
Wind Gusts: 9.4 mph
Precipitation: 0 in
Cloud Cover: 0%
Visibility: 9 mi
UV Index: 0
Five Day Weather Forecast

H: 73°F
L: 43°F

H: 72°F
L: 52°F

H: 66°F
L: 53°F

H: 66°F
L: 55°F

H: 74°F
L: 62°F
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 12.95 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 2.96 μg/m3
Ozone: 70 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:57 AM
Sunset: 6:53 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 50 mins
Moon Transit: 11:32 PM
Moonset: 5:50 AM
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 92.4%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
11:06 AM - 1:36 PM12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Minor Periods
4:07 PM - 5:37 PM5:20 AM - 6:50 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
Air Quality Alert issued March 10 at 7:49PM CDT by NWS Birmingham AL
Non-Weather Emergency Message. Not sent to IPAWS.
Effective: Mon March 10, 2025, 7:49 PM
Expires: Tue March 11, 2025, 11:00 PM
AQABMX The Jefferson County Department of Health has issued a Code Red Air Quality Alert for Jefferson and Shelby Counties for Tuesday, March 11. Under Code Red conditions, particulate matter concentrations are expected to reach unhealthy levels. People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. JCDH recommends the following actions during an air quality alert for particulate matter. Avoid exposure to wood, forest, or agricultural smoke. Reduce outside activity. Walk instead of jog. Do not exercise near busy roads. Plan outdoor activities for days when particle levels are lower. Limit driving and engine idling. Combine errands. Use the bus or carpool to work. Avoid use of gasoline powered lawn and garden equipment. Outside particulate matter can affect indoor air quality, especially when outdoor levels are high. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent further circulation of particles. You can further reduce indoor particle levels by eliminating tobacco smoke, limiting cooking with wood, coal, oil, or natural gas, and limiting the use of candles, incense, and household cleaners. If breathing becomes difficult, move indoors.
Air Quality Alert issued March 10 at 7:49PM CDT by NWS Birmingham AL
Non-Weather Emergency Message. Not sent to IPAWS.
Effective: Mon March 10, 2025, 7:49 PM
Expires: Tue March 11, 2025, 11:00 PM
AQABMX The Jefferson County Department of Health has issued a Code Red Air Quality Alert for Jefferson and Shelby Counties for Tuesday, March 11. Under Code Red conditions, particulate matter concentrations are expected to reach unhealthy levels. People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. JCDH recommends the following actions during an air quality alert for particulate matter. Avoid exposure to wood, forest, or agricultural smoke. Reduce outside activity. Walk instead of jog. Do not exercise near busy roads. Plan outdoor activities for days when particle levels are lower. Limit driving and engine idling. Combine errands. Use the bus or carpool to work. Avoid use of gasoline powered lawn and garden equipment. Outside particulate matter can affect indoor air quality, especially when outdoor levels are high. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent further circulation of particles. You can further reduce indoor particle levels by eliminating tobacco smoke, limiting cooking with wood, coal, oil, or natural gas, and limiting the use of candles, incense, and household cleaners. If breathing becomes difficult, move indoors.
Air Quality Alert issued March 10 at 7:49PM CDT by NWS Birmingham AL
Non-Weather Emergency Message. Not sent to IPAWS.
Effective: Mon March 10, 2025, 7:49 PM
Expires: Tue March 11, 2025, 11:00 PM
AQABMX The Jefferson County Department of Health has issued a Code Red Air Quality Alert for Jefferson and Shelby Counties for Tuesday, March 11. Under Code Red conditions, particulate matter concentrations are expected to reach unhealthy levels. People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. JCDH recommends the following actions during an air quality alert for particulate matter. Avoid exposure to wood, forest, or agricultural smoke. Reduce outside activity. Walk instead of jog. Do not exercise near busy roads. Plan outdoor activities for days when particle levels are lower. Limit driving and engine idling. Combine errands. Use the bus or carpool to work. Avoid use of gasoline powered lawn and garden equipment. Outside particulate matter can affect indoor air quality, especially when outdoor levels are high. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent further circulation of particles. You can further reduce indoor particle levels by eliminating tobacco smoke, limiting cooking with wood, coal, oil, or natural gas, and limiting the use of candles, incense, and household cleaners. If breathing becomes difficult, move indoors.
Air Quality Alert issued March 10 at 7:49PM CDT by NWS Birmingham AL
Non-Weather Emergency Message. Not sent to IPAWS.
Effective: Mon March 10, 2025, 7:49 PM
Expires: Tue March 11, 2025, 11:00 PM
AQABMX The Jefferson County Department of Health has issued a Code Red Air Quality Alert for Jefferson and Shelby Counties for Tuesday, March 11. Under Code Red conditions, particulate matter concentrations are expected to reach unhealthy levels. People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. JCDH recommends the following actions during an air quality alert for particulate matter. Avoid exposure to wood, forest, or agricultural smoke. Reduce outside activity. Walk instead of jog. Do not exercise near busy roads. Plan outdoor activities for days when particle levels are lower. Limit driving and engine idling. Combine errands. Use the bus or carpool to work. Avoid use of gasoline powered lawn and garden equipment. Outside particulate matter can affect indoor air quality, especially when outdoor levels are high. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent further circulation of particles. You can further reduce indoor particle levels by eliminating tobacco smoke, limiting cooking with wood, coal, oil, or natural gas, and limiting the use of candles, incense, and household cleaners. If breathing becomes difficult, move indoors.
Weather Forecast
Average Temperature: 58.6°F
Average Humidity: 59%
Wind: 7.8 mph
UV Index: 1.6
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 25.44 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 7.73 μg/m3
Ozone: 77 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:57 AM
Sunset: 6:53 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 50 mins
Moon Transit: 11:32 PM
Moonset: 5:50 AM
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 92.4%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
11:06 AM - 1:36 PM12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Minor Periods
4:07 PM - 5:37 PM5:20 AM - 6:50 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
Weather Forecast
Average Temperature: 62.3°F
Average Humidity: 55%
Wind: 9.8 mph
UV Index: 1.7
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 18.23 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 5.11 μg/m3
Ozone: 88.44 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:56 AM
Sunset: 6:53 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 52 mins
Moon Transit: 12:00 AM
Moonset: 6:19 AM
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Moon Illumination: 97.3%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM11:49 AM - 2:19 PM
Minor Periods
5:06 PM - 6:36 PM5:49 AM - 7:19 AM
Action Rating: 4 out of 5
Weather Forecast
Average Temperature: 58.4°F
Average Humidity: 90%
Wind: 9.6 mph
UV Index: 1
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 14.03 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 4.14 μg/m3
Ozone: 89.12 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:56 AM
Sunset: 6:54 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 54 mins
Moon Transit: 12:14 AM
Moonset: 6:45 AM
Moon Phase: Full
Moon Illumination: 99.7%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM12:31 AM - 3:01 PM
Minor Periods
6:04 PM - 7:34 PM6:15 AM - 7:45 AM
Action Rating: 3 out of 5
Weather Forecast
Average Temperature: 61.2°F
Average Humidity: 89%
Wind: 14.1 mph
UV Index: 1.4
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 13.12 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 2.9 μg/m3
Ozone: 86.72 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:56 AM
Sunset: 6:55 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 56 mins
Moon Transit: 12:55 AM
Moonset: 7:08 AM
Moon Phase: Full
Moon Illumination: 99.6%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
12:25 AM - 2:55 AM1:11 PM - 3:41 PM
Minor Periods
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM6:38 AM - 8:08 AM
Action Rating: 5 out of 5
Weather Forecast
Average Temperature: 67.1°F
Average Humidity: 91%
Wind: 22.8 mph
UV Index: 0.3
Air Quality
Nitrogen Dioxide: 5.27 μg/m3
Sulphur Dioxide: 1.75 μg/m3
Ozone: 91.08 μg/m3
Sun Transit: 12:56 AM
Sunset: 6:56 PM
Daylight: 11 hrs 58 mins
Moon Transit: 1:34 AM
Moonset: 7:32 AM
Moon Phase: Full
Moon Illumination: 97.0%
Best Times for Fishing or Hunting
Major Periods
1:04 AM - 3:34 AM1:50 PM - 4:20 PM
Minor Periods
7:56 PM - 9:26 PM7:02 AM - 8:32 AM
Action Rating: 4 out of 5